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- Property, General Liability
- Products Liability
- Workers' Compensation (USL&H & MEL)
- Business Auto
- Excess & Umbrella
- Professional Liability
- Medical Professional Liability
- Excess & Umbrella
- Professional Liability
- Equipment Policies
- Pollution Liability
- Employment Practices Liability
- Directors & Officers Liability
- Fiduciary & Bonding Service
- Cargo Insurance
- Aviation
As a builder or contractor it’s in your best interest to ensure builders risk coverage is in place and there are advantages to obtaining your own policy instead of relying on the project owner to secure coverage.Builders risk protects you against unforeseen events which may have a financial impact on your project and company
Marine industry put over 40 years of experience to work for your business. Lower your insurance cost and improve your bottom line. Our staff will provide you with the utmost professional service to assist you with all of your insurance needs. As an independent insurance agent, we can provide you with all types of insurance coverage from the most competitive markets. Simply complete our online, easy to use questionnaire form and get ready to save, for we will use ALL credits available to you.
• Property, General Liability
• Workers' Compensation (USL&H & MEL)
• Business Auto
• Excess & Umbrella
• Professional Liability
• Equipment Policies
• Pollution Liability
• Employment Practices Liability
• Hull, Protection & Indemnity

Condo Associations
- General Liability
- Property
- Wind onlyEquipment BreakdownFloodDirectors & OfficersTheftExcess LiabilityWorkers Compensation

Customer testimonials
Lets take a look at what customer has to say about us

Matt V
Lives in Coral Gables

Maria H
Lives in San Fransico

Anna B
Lives in Miami

Whitney K
Lives in Michigan

David W
Lives in New York

Beatrice C
Lives in Miami